╣۩╠ كاريكاتير بمناسبة الذكرى الـ65 للنكبة لثلة من الفنانين╣۩μ
السرمدي العنيد
  • المشاركات: 1671
    نقاط التميز: 9055
عضو متطور
السرمدي العنيد
عضو متطور
المشاركات: 1671
نقاط التميز: 9055
معدل المشاركات يوميا: 0.4
الأيام منذ الإنضمام: 4549
  • 17:51 - 2013/05/15

 (150x180, 15Kb)

الصلاة والسلام على أشرف الانبياء والمرسلين

محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

الاخوة المشرفين الاعزاء الاخوة فريق العمل الكرام

أحبائى أعضاء وزوار منتدى الكاريكاتير

أتمنى من الله عز وجل أن تكونوا بألف خير.




كاريكاتير بمناسبة الذكرى الـ65 للنكبة لثلة من الفنانين


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Cartoon: Amro Musa (medium) by Rami Abu Jalalah tagged palestine,egypt,musa,amro,jalalah,abu,rami

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Cartoon: Palestinian Scream (medium) by islamashour tagged palestine,activism,army,israelis,occupation,calcartoonist,politi,israel,bank,west,palestinian,soldiers,settlements,israeli,women,scream,palestinianthe

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Cartoon: ISRAEL - GAZA (medium) by NEM0 tagged israel,gaza,palestine,conflict,war

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Cartoon: Abbascadabra (medium) by rodrigo tagged palestine,mahmud,abbas,un,united,nations,observer,state,status,israel,conflict,hamas
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Cartoon: Hamasochism (medium) by rodrigo tagged israel,gaza,hamas,palestine,war,attack,terror,peace
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Cartoon: for Palestine... (medium) by saadet demir yalcin tagged saadet,sdy,palestine
 (349x21, 12Kb)
Cartoon: Freedom... (medium) by sabaaneh tagged palestine
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Cartoon: Jerusalem (medium) by sabaaneh tagged palestine
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Cartoon: Shaleet Price ! (medium) by ramzytaweel tagged shaleet,palestine,price
 (349x21, 12Kb)
Cartoon: DEMANDE HISTORIQUE (medium) by Majdoub Abdelwaheb tagged palestine,free
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Cartoon: palestine (medium) by sabaaneh tagged alnakba
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Cartoon: Remembering the Nakba (medium) by dbaldinger tagged nakba,isreal,palestine,palestrinian,catastrophe
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Cartoon: union in palestine (medium) by nayar tagged union
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Cartoon: Vittorio Arrigoni and his mother (medium) by samir alramahi tagged vittorio,arrigoni,mother,agidea,prata,italy,gaza,folitial,palestine,arab,ramahi,cartoon
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Cartoon: Netinyahus steps (medium) by sagar kumar tagged israel,palestine,cartoon
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Cartoon: Christmas at Jerosalem (medium) by samir alramahi tagged peace,palestine,israel,ramah,cartooni,arab,politics,christmas,holy,land
 (349x21, 12Kb)
Cartoon: oil for west bank basoto land (medium) by samir alramahi tagged palestine,israel,blackmail,peace,oil,usa,force,ramahi,cartoon,arab
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Cartoon: PALESTINE (medium) by ALEX gb tagged palestine,peace,home,catalonia,brotherhood
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Cartoon: Peace talks (medium) by Tjeerd Royaards tagged peace,israel,palestine,gaza,dove,war,conflict,netanyahu,abbas,frieden,krieg,palästina,israel,konflikt
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Cartoon: American NOutral Mediation !!! (medium) by ramzytaweel tagged neutral,peace,palestine,usa,israel
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Cartoon: Israel Flotilla (medium) by Damien Glez tagged israel,gaza,palestine
 (349x21, 12Kb)
Cartoon: Fireworks over Jerusalem (medium) by samir alramahi tagged palestine,rights,home,israel,colonies,fireworks,jerusalem,ramahi,cartoon,arab
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Cartoon: PALESTINE (medium) by ugur demir tagged mmmmm
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Cartoon: Arab behind the scanner (medium) by samir alramahi tagged arab,behind,scanner,palestine,aerport,west,ramahi,cartoon,politics
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Cartoon: banning chanting the prayer call (medium) by ramzytaweel tagged pray,jerusalem,isreal,palestine,minaret,occupation
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 ╣۩╠ كاريكاتير بمناسبة الذكرى الـ65 للنكبة لثلة من الفنانين╣۩μ